My art has always been my self taught form of therapy . It started in my art journals, a place to express in images what I couldn’t always put into words. It’s been a long time since I had the motivation to paint, but recently picked up some old pieces that I had started last summer.

‘Veil of Tears’, acrylic, collage and mixed media on paper, 12cm x 18cm
I worked on several paintings at once, using acrylics and collage elements in a purely intuitive way, not thinking much about the outcome, just freestyling and focusing on mark making and playing with colour.

‘Afloat’, acrylic, collage and mixed media on paper, 15 cm x 21 cm
After building up (and scraping back) several layers, I began to make more considered choices to nudge the paintings into some sort of pleasing overall composition. As well as paint, I used gel medium, charcoal, inks and pencil to add texture and colour.

‘Here for you’, acrylic, collage and mixed media on paper, 15 cm x 21 cm
I always like to sit with new paintings for a while to see if they need any finishing touches. After a few days, I looked at these with fresh eyes and I was amazed to see so much meaning in them. They speak to me of the things I have been through in the last year, the friends and family that supported me and the loss of my Dad.

‘Farewell’ acrylic, collage and mixed media on paper, 15 cm x 21 cm
Abstract art will ultimately have different meanings for every person that sees it. For me, making this little series of paintings has been very healing and I hope that resonates with anyone else who needs that right now.
These are beautiful Glenda 💜
Thanks Amanda, they’re straight from the heart. xx