Yarn Drop July 2024

Yarn Drop July 2024

As an artist, I know that creativity comes in many forms, and for me the joy of dyeing is a chance to play with colour in a different way to painting.

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Local Exhibition

Local Exhibition

Five local artists from the Rhins of Galloway make up Galloway Connections and following a very successful exhibition in Kirkcudbright last year, we are putting on another...

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Curling wave

Curling wave

Watercolour again – still find it incredibly challenging, still aiming for a lightness of touch that eludes me.

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Veil of Tears

Veil of Tears

My art has always been my self taught form of therapy . It started in my art journals, a place to express in images what I couldn’t always put into words.

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Hi, I’m Glenda

I am an artist and web/graphic designer living in Scotland’s most southerly village near the Mull of Galloway.

I live ten minutes walk from the beach and living on a long narrow peninsula means there are lots of beaches and cliff top walks within a few miles of my home.

My paintings are influenced by the landscape, but also by the stories of my past and the healing and therapeutic benefits that I have discovered through the process of art journaling.

I love to create strong, colourful abstract paintings using acrylics and oils.  I don’t work to commission, preferring to be free to let my intuition guide me.

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