This exhibition has now finished, but the Galloway Connections group will be exhibiting together again in the future.

This exhibition has now finished, but the Galloway Connections group will be exhibiting together again in the future.
I live by the sea in southern Scotland and paint contemporary artwork for people who love a splash of colour on their walls. I also dye fibre and yarn for felters, knitters, crocheters and textile artists.
“Searching for the Light” is a collection of small abstract paintings from 2019 searching for hope.
Watercolour again – still find it incredibly challenging, still aiming for a lightness of touch that eludes me.
My art has always been my self taught form of therapy . It started in my art journals, a place to express in images what I couldn’t always put into words.
I missed the deadline to apply to Spring Fling this year. This is the long explanation of how life (and death) got in the way.
What the hell was I thinking?! How self-doubt stole my paintings.
I have a rather poorly husband at the moment, but have been able to squeeze in a little experimentation with oil and cold wax.
I really do find watercolour one of the hardest and most unforgiving mediums to use. Having the right paper and good brushes is a good starting point and good quality paints of course.
I’m in a fallow period at the moment art-wise and I know that this is a normal and necessary part of the creative process.
Some of the exercises from Pauline Agnew’s Expressive Portrait class that I recently enrolled in.
A ten minute short film about myself and two other local artists.
A selection of paintings reflecting the strangest of years.
“Let it Rain” is a large acryclic painting on canvas, my response to the Australian bushfires of 2019-20.